Sally's Back
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50 Questions 1. Name: David Hayward 2. Middle Name: Edward 3. Nick names: Dave, Reid, Floyd, Harold 4. Birthplace: Corner Brook, Nfld. 5. Instrument played in the band: Vocals/Guitar 6. Equipment used: Dewey's Les Paul or Ben's Californian Stratocaster 7. Siblings: Dewey, April, Darryl 8. What's your biggest fear? Deafness 9. Most disgusting thing you've ever eaten: Worm cookies and Chocolate-covered cockroaches 10: Dream vacation destination: Australia (scuba dive with sharks) 11: Favourite Sally's Back song: By Your Strength 12: Favourite show played: Rockfest '02 13: Most unusual concert experience: I spat on a girl once and she had no idea 14: Relational status: Dating an incredible girl named Rachel 15. Educational status: Taking Social (Psychology) at Champlain College (to get credit for Bible college) 16: Aspirations: become a pastor in Quebec 17. Home church: Greenfield Park Pentecostal Church 18: Favourite quote: You can only be young once; you can be immature forever. -Anon 19: Funniest childhood memory: 20: Favourite guitar of all time: 52' Fender Telecaster 21: Favourite Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God 22: Favourite band: uhm I dunno I have a lot of different tastes 23: Favourite guitar you own: Casey ( Takamine semi-acoustic) 24: Favourite store: Wal-Mart or Clause Debussy Music 25: Favourite restaurant: Subway 26: Best friend: Ben Johnston (Rach's big brother, and it's not THAT awkward) 27: Furthest you've ever been from home: Florida 28: Favourite thing to do in spare time: Build this web page ( not really, but somebody has to do it) 29: Favourite band activity: Veg Sej (Short for Vegetation Session, pretty much lying around, eating junk food and playing N64) 30: Favourite local band: Exit 55 31: Favourite famous Christian band: Relient K 32: Favourite guest artist that we've played with: Chris N. 33: Favourite band to play with: Exit 55 34: Most embarrassing moment: I once had my pants pulled down while sliding down a slide in the playground at my school 35: Favourite inside joke: Crocodile hunter 36: Boxers or Briefs? Boxers (Ride Free or Die) 37: Worst haircut ever: Shaved head or side-part 38: What members of the band have you seen naked? Dewey (brother) and Nick (that guy is just way to open) 39: Star Wars name: Hayda Picor 40: Favourite Star Wars film: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 41: Truth or Dare? Dare 42: Weirdest sleeping habit: I drool the amount of water contained in Lake Erie onto my pillow 43: Favourite article of clothing: Sonz of God sweater 44: Favourite Ninja turtle: Michelangelo 45: What's the most annoying thing about Dewey? He steals all my clothes, and he never stops playing drums when you talk, even if you're talking to him. (It's impressive, but so annoying!!) 46: What's the most annoying think about Nick? The stench. 47: What's the most annoying thing about Simon? We can't understand him half the time. 48: What's the most annoying thing about Dave? He's so darn handsome, he steals everyone's attention. 49: Chicken or Fish? Fish (I am a newfie, after all) 50: Do you want fries with that? Sure | ||||||||||||